PARMA-DITAM 2025 Workshop

General Chair:

Program Co-Chair:

Program Co-Chair:

Publicity Chair:

Publication Chair:

Submission and Web Chair:

Steering Committee:

Program Committee

  • Luis Costero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES
  • Damien Couroussé, CEA, FR
  • Kim Gruettner, German Aerospace Center, DE
  • Frank K. Gürkaynak, ETH Zürich, CH
  • Carles Hernandez, Universitat Politècnica de València, ES
  • Francesco Leporati, University of Pavia, IT
  • Manolis Marazakis, FORTH Institute of Computer Science, Heraklion, GR
  • Dimosthenis Masouros, National Technical University of Athens, GR
  • Konstantina Mitropoulou, AMD
  • Luigi Pomante, University of L'Aquila, IT
  • Mario Porrmann, Osnabrueck University, DE
  • Marco Procaccini, University of Siena, IT
  • Alfonso Rodriguez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES
  • Ruben Salvador, CentraleSupélec – IETR, FR
  • Leonel Sousa, Universidade de Lisboa, PT
  • Sander Stuijk, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
  • Massimo Torquati, University of Pisa, IT

Barcelona, ES, 22/01/2025

Co-located with HiPEAC

Camera-Ready Guidelines

Thank you for your co-operation in the preparation of the PARMA-DITAM 2025 Workshop proceedings. Accepted papers will be provided a DOI, and published online in the Dagstuhl OASIcs OpenAccess Series in Informatics. Therefore, all submissions MUST adhere to the publisher specification for compatibility.

The deadline for submitting the camera-ready version
of accepted papers is 23/12/2024 08/01/2025 12/01/2025.

In the following, you can find the information on how to properly format your manuscript.

Paper Formatting Guidelines

Papers submitted to PARMA-DITAM 2025 must use the single-column OASIcs format, and must be submitted as a package (zip, rar, etc.) containing the source files (LaTeX) and the PDF version of your paper labeled as follow: PARMA-DITAM-2025_"Lead Author" (for example PARMA-DITAM-2025_John_Smith). A template for LaTeX can be downloaded HERE.

(Peer Review submission only) The length of the standard papers is limited to 10 pages of running text. This limit includes figures, tables, algorithms, footnotes, and appendix(es). Title page, abstract, acknowledgements and references are not included in this limit.

(Camera Ready submission only) The camera ready version of the accepted paper must be limited to 12 pages of running text. This limit includes figures, tables, algorithms, footnotes, and appendix(es). Title page, abstract, acknowledgements and references are not included in this limit. The overall length of the paper should not exceed 15 pages.

1) Copyright:

Copyright of the paper is retained by its authors. Authors of accepted papers must agree to publish their article under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) licence.

2) Mandatory Sections:

  1. Title of the paper (must be initial caps) -- Meaning First Letters of the Main Words Must be Capital Letters.
  2. Authors' full names -- For every author, their first name, middle initial(s) (if any), and last name must to be included after the title of the paper on the first page
  3. Affiliations -- EACH author's affiliation, department (if any), affiliation location, state, country, and email address MUST be included.
  4. Abstract -- Include an abstract (short overview) of your paper on the first page top of the left hand column.
  5. ACM Computing Classification Categories and Terms -- Authors should apply the ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing. The Computing Classification Scheme can be found here.

3) Page Size and Page Breaks:

Submissions that do not conform to the given template standards will be returned to the author. Do not change page size. Do not change letter/word/line spacing. Be sure that there are no bad page or column breaks -- Meaning no widows or orphans (last line of a paragraph at the top of a column). If this happens, either tighten the previous column or force a line feed. Section and Sub-section headings should remain with at least two lines of body text when near the end of a page or column. Do not modify the margins of the paper to gain space. If the margins are modified, the paper will be returned to the author.

4) Figures:

Figures may be printed in black and white (grayscale). We suggest that you test print a black and white version your paper to ensure that the illustrations reproduce well. Figures will appear in their original color in the pdf-files in the publisher's digital library. We recommend images to be at least 300 or 600 dpi for quality reproduction.

5) Fonts:

Paper should have Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). All fonts must be embedded within the PDF file. Remember to check that all fonts are embedded and included in the figure correctly (Tip: try to avoid non-standard font sets in your figures).

6) Page Numbers, Headers, and Footers:

The final submission MUST NOT contain any footer in the footer area, headers, line or page numbers. The papers will be paginated in a determined order by the chair.

7) Footnotes:

Footnotes should be numbered in consecutive order throughout the text.

8) Acknowledgements:

The placement of the Acknowledgements is after the actual text of the paper, just before the References section, and after any Appendix(es). All acknowledgements of financial support must be placed as the first footnote below the first column of the paper. Write the Acknowledgements in the third person.

9) Camera-ready Submission:

Authors of accepted papers will be notified via easychair.

At least one author per accepted paper must contact the Program Chair(s) and Publication Chair as soon as possible. They should provide a contact e-mail address, which will be invited to register for camera ready paper submission on the publisher website. Further instructions on camera ready paper submission system will be available on publisher website.

Additionally, authors should provide the name of the person who is going to present the paper during the workshop. This person must register to HiPEAC conference and to PARMA-DITAM workshop.

Paper presenters are invited to communicate in advance a short bio (2 to 4 lines of text) to be introduced by the session chair during the workshop.

Finally, authors of accepted papers are encouraged to address reviewers comments and suggestions in their camera ready version of the manuscript. Authors may be requested to send to the Publication Chair a document explaining how they addressed each reviewer comment in their final version of the paper. Delays in accomplishing this task may entail delays in the publication of the proceedings volume.


If you still have questions or problems, please send an email to the publication chair explaining your inquiry.

Thank you again for participating in this workshop. We look forward to receiving your materials in a timely manner.